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HRSA Reporting Due 09/30/2021

21 Sep 2021 11:38 AM | Anonymous

If you received PRF (Provider Relief Funds) in April, May or June of 2020 you must complete the HRSA Portal Reporting by September 30, 2021. We've received numerous questions about it and have prepared two tools to assist.

CLICK HERE for the video recording of the Town Hall.

The HRSA Site Tips V2.pdf provides some tips on how to navigate the process. The User Guide you can download from the Portal is helpful and our Tips sheet helps navigate it.

The Personnel Metrics V2.xlsx Excel file will help with counting up the number of people each quarter. Then again, if you staff is in the 20-30 range it might just be easier to use your quarterly payroll reports or the CA DE9C form and just count them by hand.

We are hosting a Town Hall session this Thursday September 23, 2021 at 6 pm to discuss and respond to questions.



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