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  • 19 Apr 2024 1:37 PM | Anonymous

    We recently read this article in the Harvard Business Review and thought it would be great to pass along as the more management tools you have, the better your practice will be.

    Rebecca Knight published this article on April 9th. She lists 6 common leadership styles:

    • Coercive leadership style, which entails demanding immediate compliance.
    • Authoritative leadership style, which is about mobilizing people toward a vision.
    • Pacesetting leadership style, which involves expecting excellence and self-direction.
    • Affiliative leadership style, which centers around building emotional bonds.
    • Democratic leadership style, which involves creating consensus.
    • Coaching leadership style, which focuses on developing people for the future.

    To read more members should CLICK HERE

  • 21 Sep 2021 11:38 AM | Anonymous

    If you received PRF (Provider Relief Funds) in April, May or June of 2020 you must complete the HRSA Portal Reporting by September 30, 2021. We've received numerous questions about it and have prepared two tools to assist.

    CLICK HERE for the video recording of the Town Hall.

    The HRSA Site Tips V2.pdf provides some tips on how to navigate the process. The User Guide you can download from the Portal is helpful and our Tips sheet helps navigate it.

    The Personnel Metrics V2.xlsx Excel file will help with counting up the number of people each quarter. Then again, if you staff is in the 20-30 range it might just be easier to use your quarterly payroll reports or the CA DE9C form and just count them by hand.

    We are hosting a Town Hall session this Thursday September 23, 2021 at 6 pm to discuss and respond to questions.

  • 29 Jun 2021 10:39 AM | Anonymous

    IPTCA asked our attorney to review the California Laws on Discounting by Physical Therapists. Click on the red link below to read for her comments regarding:

    • Summary of California Law on Discounting
    • When is it legal to offer a discount to a referral service?
    • How to avoid illegal discounting

    California Law on Discounting by Physical Therapists.pdf

  • 10 Jun 2021 2:36 PM | Paul Gaspar (Administrator)

    Hello members-

    As you may know, many CA are experiencing improper denials from Anthem.

    The 2 reasons for denials have been:

    1. Issues getting the Excludes 1 dx denials denied as duplicates when resubmitted electronically as replacement claims

    2. Incorrect NCCI edit denials for modifiers

    To get paid by Anthem for improperly denied claims, please return the attached spreadsheet (red link below) to Liz Souza, DPT, CHT:

    Please click on the red link and fill out the spreadsheet in the following manner:

    Provider Escalation Claim Template.xlsx

    • Provide 5-10 claim examples of each situation for each employer tax ID number. Once they establish the issue, they will do a claims sweep for that tax ID.  So no need to include all claims.  
    • Create a separate tab on the Excel sheet for Excludes 1 dx. and Modifier Denials
    • Create a third tab with any claims processed correctly with the same code pairings so they can compare.

    At your service!

    IPTCA Board

  • 8 Dec 2020 2:24 PM | Anonymous

    Here are the handouts: Click Here for Handouts

    Webinar Recording:  Click Here to watch the recording

  • 29 Sep 2020 2:29 PM | Anonymous

    One of our Board Members put together information to share with Medicare Beneficiaries, and for the whole staff, regarding the pending 9% cuts in the fee schedule for physical therapy. Please get your staff & patients active in hounding Congress to step in & save their benefits. the documents are in both PDF and editable formats in case you want to modify. The deadline for comments is Monday 10/5/2020, so act now!

    Medicare CY2021 changes Patient In Office Notice Letter R.pdf

    Medicare CY2021 changes Patient In Office Notice Letter R.docx

    Medicare CY2021 changes Patient In Office Notice Flyer R.pdf

    Medicare CY2021 changes Patient In Office Notice Flyer R.pptx

  • 17 Sep 2020 2:55 PM | Anonymous

    Our attorney's have been busy. Click the link below for the most recent amendments to our case against MedRisk.

    2020 8-20- PLD - IPTCA v. Medrisk - Opposition to Demurrer (W Tables).pdf

  • 26 Jun 2020 2:09 PM | Anonymous

    Click on the link below to access information from Carothers DiSante & Freudenberger, Labor Law Attorneys, on "DOL Issues More Guidance on School Closure Issues Related to FFCRA Paid Leave and FLSA Child Labor Limitations"

    Blog from CDF Labor Law Attorneys

  • 21 Jun 2020 9:32 PM | Anonymous

    The amended complaint against MedRisk can be found here:

    2020 6-19 - COMPL - IPTCA v. MedRisk FAC (FINAL for_Filing).pdf

  • 12 May 2020 12:55 PM | Anonymous

    This PDF has a number of links on PPP Loan Forgiveness. Remember to get the maximum forgiveness you need to spend 75% or more on payroll costs, up to 25% on rent & utilities. EMR costs do NOT qualify as utilities.

    PPP Loan Info.pdf

    Here is a 5 minute video on playing "what-if" scenarios on spending the PPP funds in appropriate ways in the 8 weeks using Felder's workbook:

    PPP "What-If" Scenarios Video

    Felder - PPP HHS Stimulus Tracking Workbook V5.xlsx

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